
Materia de Aplicaciones Móviles y Servicios Telemáticos


Unidad 2 Recursos en red para aplicaciones avanzadas

🎯 Objetivo de Aprendizaje

Al finalizar la clase el estudiante será capaz de:

2.3 Servicios web: API REST

📲 Frontend and Backend


📲 Conceptos de API



📲 Tipos de APIs


📲 Tipos de servicios web

A web service is a service that is available over the internet, using the World Wide Web. There are four types of web service APIs:


📲 REST and RESTful API

An API can be considered “RESTful” if it has the following features:


It is a collection of resources with four defined aspects:


📲 Servicios


📲 Estado de mensajes HTTP


📲 Usando Postman con el API de ASANA

The Asana API is a RESTful interface, providing programmatic access to much of the data in the system. It provides predictable URLs for accessing resources, and uses built-in HTTP features to receive commands and return responses. The API accepts JSON or form-encoded content in requests and returns JSON content in all of its responses, including errors.

  1. Getting a Personal Access Token (PAT) Open the Developer App Management page by using this permalink or following these steps:
    • From within Asana, click your profile photo from the top bar and select “My Profile Settings”
    • Click the “Apps” tab
    • Click “Manage Developer Apps” Click “+ Create New Personal Access Token”
    • Type a description of what you’ll use the Personal Access Token for.
    • Click “Create” Copy your token. You will only see this one time, but you can always create another PAT later.

📲 Referencias

An activity-based approach for the early identification and resolution of problems in the development of IoT systems in academic projects