
Materia de Aplicaciones Móviles y Servicios Telemáticos


Unidad 2 Recursos en red para aplicaciones avanzadas

🎯 Objetivo de Aprendizaje

Al finalizar la clase el estudiante será capaz de:

2.2 Programación de sockets

📲 Sockets


📲 Arquitectura general de los sistemas IoT utilizados en proyectos académicos


  1. Physical layer: This layer corresponds to things that become intelligent by being programmed, integrating hardware development boards, sensors, and actuators to interact with the real world. Arduino and ThinkXtra Sigfox, iButton devices with GPS sensors, and Suntech with GPS sensors were used in the AMST projects, whereas ESP8266 and ESP32 WiFi modules were used in the PST projects. Weight sensors (HX711 sensor), gas (MQ-2 sensor), sound (KY-038 sensor), air quality (MQ-135 sensor), and temperature and humidity (DHT11 sensor) were used in both courses.
  2. Edge layer: This layer allows routing of the sensed data originating from the IoT devices from the physical layer to the cloud services layer without manipulating them. This layer is based on communication protocols such as HTTP, which allows data to be sent through wired or wireless technologies such as 0G, 3 G, 5 G, LTE, and IEEE 802.11.
  3. Cloud services layer: This layer works bi-directionally with the application layer and is responsible for the storage and processing of data required by software applications. Google Cloud services such as Firebase were used in some of the projects, and Heroku, among others.
  4. Application layer: This layer allows the monitoring of information by end users through combined and analyzed data, which can contribute to decision-making. For AMST course projects, it is necessary to develop a mobile application, whereas, for PST, these applications can be web or mobile depending on the type of project. The tools used for the development of mobile applications were the Android Studio integrated development environment (IDE), and for web applications, the execution environment for JavaScript Node.js, and the React library.

📲 Taxonomía de problemas en el desarrollo de sistemas IoT


📲 Referencias

An activity-based approach for the early identification and resolution of problems in the development of IoT systems in academic projects